As a part of Summer Camp-2019
“Indian Classical Music – The Science and Significance”
Date : 29th May 2019.
(Organized by District Community Science Centre, Children’s Museum & Bal-Bhavan, Amreli
(Sponsored by Gujarat Council On Science & Technology, DST, Govt. of Gujarat, Gandhinagar,(Gujarat-India).

We are organising a wonderful three day events of ” CLASSICAL MUSIC & ITS SCIENTIFIC EFECT IN THE HUMEN LIFE SPAN.

Under the favorable condition of nature, the fest has been inaugurated by enlightenment of holy lamp by Dr.Sanjivbhai Dharaiya, Shri Anilbhai Thakar, Shri
Vipulbhai Mehta, Shri Naranbhai Dobariya & Shri Pankajbhai Joshi.

The legend personalities of classical music as specialty of FLUTE PLAYING (बांसुरी वादन) Dr.Shri Sanjiv Dharaiya, Shri Anil Thakar , Revenue officer Shri Vipul
Mehta & Shri Panksjbhai Joshi has been explained to students regarding the most important values of classical musics & various RAAGAAS in the Indian

Kind Support has been given by Dy.Director Dr.Dineshbhai Trivedi, Principal Shri Vipulbhai Vyas, Smt.Shivaniben Vyas, Shri Chetanbhai Pathak, Shri
Pankajbhai Lashkari, Shri Arunbhai Pansuriya & children of Music class of Bal Bhavan.

Whole programme has been arraigned under the headship of Shri Pankajbhai Joshi.

Shri Motabhai Sanvat has been visiting at the place of Events.

Today, modern science sees the whole existence as a vibration. Where there is a vibration, there is bound to be a sound. So the whole existence is a
complex amalgamation of sounds. These sounds, if you listen in a certain way, are a horrible noise. If you listen to it in another way, it is tremendous
music. For one who does not perceive the wholeness of the sound, it is noise because he is hearing in bits and pieces. For one who listens to the
wholeness of the existence, everything is music. There is nothing which is not music.